FPS Media exists to share stories with and of people in authentic and creative ways - to communicate love and value to those we work with and those who receive the results.
Why I do anything...
I believe that at our core, humans have certain unavoidable questions, for which our answers to those questions form the foundation of our behaviour and experience of life. Who am I? Why am I here? Why are we here? How I answer these questions leads me to live a life that is deeply fulfilling and with meaning.
I believe that people have a purpose; I believe that people were created to be in relationship with our creator.
I believe that the relationship was broken but that our creator desired to repair that relationship and so he made a way for it to work again.
At our heart, humans have lived for centuries with a damaged relationship with our creator, and just because one side has tried to rectify it, doesn't change that the relationship is still in a state of conflict until we respond to the offer of a restored relationship.
If we were created, and the one who created us wanted a relationship, it would be kind of a jerk move not to communicate that. So it makes sense to me that an attempt would be made, and I believe that the most logical attempt is in the form of the Bible.
The Bible tells me that God loved the world (john 3:16); I then must love people; even people that rub me the wrong way, do annoying or even terrible things. I must love them.
Personally this means that I love to hear stories and tell stories and share stories in almost any form. Stories tell us about the character of people. When reading the bible, I find some incredible stories, and most importantly the story of God shares His character.
There is no greater expression of his love and character than the story of Jesus Christ, who died to make it possible for us to have a restored relationship with our creator. His death repaired the brokenness of our relationship, and his resurrection promises a perpetual relationship in the fulness of his presence. This manifest grace allows us to live a life with hope, purpose and meaning.
This is why I write, make videos, create photos, record audio dramas and do anything - I live a redeemed life in a relationship with a loving creator, that loves people and so I do too.